Link building is considered one of the most effective techniques of Search Engine Optimisation and for that reason people place a high value on link building as a key strategy for increasing online presence.

However, link building is very time consuming and inevitably many companies choose to outsource  link building activities to a third party. There are many benefits involved in outsourcing those link building activities but there are also a number of dangers. In order to make a decision about whether to outsource your link building, consider the following points:


Choosing the right service provider to build links for your website is critical. You need to be able to trust your link building service provider because so much of your online presence, reputation and visibility rests on the quality and legitimacy of those links.

Many companies choose services located somewhere in the Asian Subcontinent and hundreds of wasted pounds later, realise they could get a much better service at a decent price, closer to home. It’s not just links you need, but quality links and those links take time to build.

But problematically, many people closer to home run fly-by-night get-rich-quick style link building operations that take your money but do not result in any consistently increased web visibility. For those that do increase your presence, they could still be engaging in what’s called ‘black hat’ techniques; techniques that could get your website banned from the search engines altogether.

If you’re aren’t willing to risk your online presence on this type of service, think again and choose a service you can trust.

How do you measure the ROI?

Measuring the Return on Investment from link building activities can be tricky. That’s why it’s often best to include link building as part of a blended package of techniques being used to improve your search engine rankings. Your website statistics should also show you the number of incoming links and where people are visiting you from. However, the really effective link building service continues to see traffic increasing over time and not decrease after a short-term bump.

Of course, the really smart link building service also helps you to get incoming links by encouraging people to naturally link to your website, the ROI on that type of link is a no brainer.

Real Time Saver

A professional high quality link building service from a respected Internet marketing company will save you real time, and that will save you real money. Free up your own time to concentrate on the development of your business, rather than the time consuming task of creating high quality links.

Experienced Link Builders get Quicker Results

Anyone can claim to be a link builder. The basics of link building could be learned by anyone more intelligent that a Chimpanzee. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean they will be able to get quick, high quality results from those links – and that’s what people need. If it’s going to take months to see any results, then why bother? An experienced link builder who understands the top linking methods will get superior results quicker and more effectively, saving them time and saving you money.

Outsourcing your links can be a fantastic way to boost your search engine rankings. But think carefully about which service you choose to perform your link building; they could be more trouble than they’re worth.

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