Tag Archive: online Product Entry services

online product entry India is not a new concept and there is vast market of companies doing outsourcing work. Every day lots of companies need to move their paper documents into electronic format to stay online. Generally it requires data transferring from one format to another format and it is very time consuming process.

Data Entry is a very straight forward job but it requires manpower, so most of the companies need outsourcing partner. If you are looking for outsourcing you data entry projects then eDataIndia could be a useful resource for your company. eDataIndia is a growing Delhi based Indian outsourcing company and serving global customers for more than 1 year in the field of data entry and data processing. We have a vast knowledge of data entry (online/offline), data conversion  from any format to any format and catalog processing services.

We have qualified and well trained data entry staff to convert your hard copies or scanned files into the digitized or electronic format effectively with utmost professionalism and highest level of accuracy guaranteed.

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A resourceful and updated data about any product gives all the background support for keeping the business in line. An Online Catalog displays each product with its description, specifications, shipping details, variants, picture and swatches so that the customer may get complete knowledge about the product she may potentially purchase. The Key to successful online business is by having the vast online presence. Catalog Product entry service for online stores and e-commerce websites is the process of converting manufactures paper catalog into web page catalogs. The Product library management refers to the support of product information management in a structured and consistent way. When an online store tries to work in house on their catalog building they lack the combination of talents to bring out the most cost effective web presence for their products. Hence outsourcing the catalog library management helps the online stores to focus on the marketing and expansion of the store. Most of the online stores outsource the catalog management because it gives them cost effective and professional catalog display for their products.

The Product Library Management service offers well established and experienced service in the area of catalog processing which is a part of the catalog Library Management. Outsourcing the product library management to professionals helps the e-business to concentrate on the marketing and sales division of their business. The service provider well manages the above scenario with a good centralized product library management infrastructure which helps to improve the business product availability, shorten the response time, prevent customer issues, and reduce the costs.

The very critical part of Product library management is categorizing the products in appropriate categories and sub categories. Categories also play a significant role on an online store and every product should be mapped to the correct category. The images should bring out the finer aspects of the product and convince the buyer for a purchase. With numerous Product Image processing companies making big profits, outsourcing serves as the only way to give complete image solutions with the best turn around efficiency. Catalogs need regular updating and monitoring which becomes troublesome for online business owners to manage. The benefits that online stores enjoy by outsourcing Catalog Process are cost saving by 60%, professionalism, good turnaround time and high quality service. Bring success to your online trading services with outsourced catalog process services.

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When you’re shipping out any tangible items to customers, whether it’s CDs, books, course manuals, electronics devices or cosmetics, it’s time to create a product catalog to enclose with the order. The product catalog processing takes advantage of customers’ buying momentum. They open your shipment and feel happy to see what they ordered. That positive feeling leads them to flip through an enclosed product catalog in a good mood, inclined to buy more. All in all, the catalog helps set up a dynamic where you and the customer are building a long-term relationship instead of transacting a one-time sale.

Likewise, if you sell services, a catalog helps you earn extra revenue from each client. Why simply recommend items they need in the course of implementing your advice when you can earn a commission from vendors you present to clients? This strategy doesn’t require you to keep any inventory, since you can forward orders to the vendors, who fulfill them for you.

Don’t have additional (or any) products yet for a catalog? No problem! Simply find products that have a thematic relationship to yours and that have an affiliate program. For instance, if you’re a financial planner, go to sites like affiliateguide.com or associateprograms.com and find affiliate programs for other financially related products like budget organizers, commercial or real estate loans, a course on how to raise capital, custom-designed checks and more that you can offer in your catalog.

When you’ve decided on the products for your catalog, follow the steps I recently took to make my first catalog a reality.

1. Create a rough mockup. Because of the size of the products I most often ship, I decided on a 7″ by 8½” format, which is legal-sized paper folded over and stapled in the center. A 8½ by 11″ format would have required me to use larger shipping envelopes than I’d otherwise need. With eight information bundles, which each needed one or two pages of descriptive copy, along with an order form, front and back covers, etc., I figured a 20-page catalog would give me sufficient selling space.

After folding five sheets of legal-sized paper to the size of my 20-page catalog, I penned in “front cover” on page 1, “table of contents” on page 2, “blank” on the back cover and on page 19 just before that, “order form” on pages 17 and 18, and product names in the middle according to which products I thought needed a two-page selling spread and which could be sold on one page.

2. Create product descriptions. For most of my products, I already had product descriptions at my web site that I edited to fit my catalog layout. For one new product, I created copy from scratch for the catalog, then reversed the adaptation process so that I transported that copy to my web site as well. In a few cases, a lot of fiddling was required to make the text fit the available space.

Where you have too little copy to fill your layout, insert tips, testimonials, excerpts, photos, graphics, quotations from famous people, special catalog offers or other sidebars. These help make your pages look more visually varied, in addition to plugging up blank spots.

3. Finish the “front matter.” I put numerous teasers on my front cover and a more traditional table of contents on page 2, which also contained my bio and contact information. Many catalogs begin with a letter from the founder or company president and his or her photo. Be sure to make this section both inviting and informative, suitable both for first-time buyers and for long-time customers.

4. Create the order form. This can be much more challenging than you’d imagine, because it forces you to anticipate not only all the information you need to fulfill orders, but also everything any type of customer needs to know to place their order. For instance, did you make it possible for people order more than one of each item? Some people have a billing address and a different shipping address. You might need to charge some customers sales tax. And what about rush shipping?

I placed my order form on a right-hand page and all the ordering policies, such as shipping fees and guarantees, on the left-hand page beside it.

5. Get it printed. Though I proofread the catalog several times, I started with a few hundred made up at my copy shop so I could correct any mistakes that turned up. At my local copy shop, the catalogs emerged from their machine folded and stapled for just 81 cents each. When I’m ready for a bigger print run, a print shop should be able to reduce that price.

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Today internet is connecting people and offering new raised methods of trading thought websites globally to the N numbers of shoppers. What We have noticed on internet; website owner whether they belong to the small business or involved in big firm are putting incomplete product details, there products lacking age criteria, specific weight, color and other description etc.

Yantram provides on line Store maintenance service which helps you to save your working costs and gives you dramatic profit. Our online store maintenance services help you to maintain your organization’s online store proficiently. Our online store maintenance experts can update the information on your product catalog by capturing them from your paper catalogs, your suppliers’ website or from any other source. We provide the following list of product maintenance services:

Adding new products.
Revising the prices offered.
Deleting the old models and so on

Our Online Product Entry Services include:

Identifying the specified product and adding it in the data base.
Adding Images of the product.
Price comparison for the product with competitor
Entering the details from catalog processing Services to the database.

For our ecommerce client we can add/ update products related information on online stores from supplier’s / manufacturer’s/ printed catalog page from clients.

Some examples of store where we do online product updating services:

Medical equipments online store.

Property details updating.

Electronics product online store.

Clothing online store.

Lighting object online store and more.

Steps Involved in Online Product Updating Service:

Receive paper catalogues/ product supplier or manufacturer URL from the client..

Analyze the source material.

Our team uploads product info and images ( if available) onto to website .

Team leader will check the daily input, before it is submitted to the client to maintain the accuracy.
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