Archive for August, 2010

ebay templates creator is very important to the success of your web business. When you capture a lead, you can always follow up with the lead and make more sales. Here is how you can create a squeeze page from scratch and capture more leads.

Step 1: Write a compelling header.

You don’t need to know any fancy programming languages to create a squeeze page. As long as you know how to write in simple English, you can get the job done. First, start by writing a compelling header. What does the visitor get if he subscribes? In other words, what promise are you trying to deliver?

Step 2: Use bullet points.

Very often, I find that using bullet points is good enough. I create between 7 to 10 bullet points, and list down all the benefits that the subscriber will enjoy. I also list download everything that the subscriber can expect to download. Make it easy for the visitor to make a decision. To complicate things by writing long paragraphs. It will only confuse the visitor.

Step 3: Paste the form into the lead capture page.

The HTML for the form should be provided by your email list software. Simply copy and paste the form code into your squeeze page. The form should be just below the bullet list. Below the form, you can add a short privacy statement, saying that all emails will be kept private and confidential.

The entire squeeze page should be on the top fold of the web browser. If the visitor needs to scroll downwards to see the sign up form, then there is too much content. Keep everything short and sweet and enjoy higher conversion rates.

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Online presence is very important these days as the community is heading towards being more social day by day. The social media is the new craze now and promoting your brand across Social Media and Search Engines can be a difficult task. Social Media Marketing Services is the exercise of promoting your website and other web assets on the increasingly popular social platforms that people use to share experiences, ideas and information. By utilising the dynamic Web 2.0 technologies, Social Media Marketing Services is continually evolving and the recent times have shown that social media as a marketing tool is very effective for brand building as well as customer service.

Why Social Media Marketing Services ? …I hear you say. Well the good thing about Social Media Marketing Services is the choice of channels available, from UGC (user generated content) on YouTube, Flickr to Internet forums, blogs, Wikis, podcasts and micro-blogging such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Blogger, Digg – the list goes on.

Social media is where the future is. Moving away from one-way traditional advertising, information is now travelling through communication and online social networking. It is all about spreading the online buzz and focusing a little more on your Social Media Marketing Services techniques and campaigns can prove to an important part of the strategy to manage your online reputation.

The good bunch of social media marketing techniques includes Facebook promotions, video marketing services, Linkedin promotions and Twitter marketing.

Facebook promotions:

Facebook has quickly evolved itself as a leader in Social Media and has responded efficiently to the needs of both users and marketers. We believe they are wisely balancing the two to enable users to not only connect in a meaningful way with friends, but also with brands that too with local/ geo targeting techniques. Today businesses can choose gender, age group, location and many more segments to strategically target their campaigns.

Facebook Pages open a whole new channel for customer engagement, branding, communication, and viral word-of-mouth marketing. The demographics of age and income are climbing rapidly and making Facebook the “killer app” for marketers who want to reach key target audience.

Video Marketing Services:

Video is a core part of Social Media. YouTube, MySpace and Facebook all feature video functionality, helping increase the spread and popularity of the medium. In past few years importance of videos have increased dramatically in the world of internet marketing.

LinkedIn Promotion Services:

Linked In is the most important business-oriented professional social networking site. The professional social platform helps interconnect networks of experienced professionals from around the world, representing 170 industries and 200 countries. Through Linked In you can find, be introduced to, and collaborate with qualified professionals that you need to work with to accomplish your goals.

Twitter Marketing Services:

Twitter is a real time communications application. You can share information with people who are interested in you, or your business. It’s fantastic way to build relationships with customers, new partners and prospects. As Twitter is a real time application you can see instantly what anyone is saying about your company at that very moment.

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Almost all of the world is now on websites. From communities to education and even the market place, everything has taken to the new HTML face. With the changing need of the world, the activities too have changed and so have their requirement. Advertising techniques that were so far used for businesses in the real world, will not be applicable to the virtual business place. Hence, there has been a change in the way of advertising them too. Online advertising is the latest medium of promoting websites. And it is the work of Internet advertising companies to enable this marketing practice.

When a website is handed over to a professional Internet advertising company, it is the duty of the company now, to ensure that the advertising activity is going fine. They indulge in a number of marketing techniques, some of which are cheap while there are some others that are quite expensive too. Lets have a look at some of these cheap and expensive Internet advertising methods.

Beginning first with the cheap ad techniques used by these Internet advertising companies, the feature that first strikes in the mind is Blogging. One of the cheapest advertising technique and equally effective too. Internet advertising companies, create blogs for your website, where they promote your website and post comments on it. As a matter of fact, it also adds posts to other blogs in the web so as to spread your website’s popularity.

Internet advertising is not always about submitting your website to the top search engines. A good Internet advertising companies will also add your website to the not so popular search engines. They are low cost advertising medium and also ensure a certain amount of traffic flow so there is actually no harm in trying them out.

Link exchange, or text link exchange is another cheap infact free means of Internet advertising which is quite popular and successful too. Now talking about the expensive advertising mediums, which includes, pop ups pod casts and  techniques in the top list.
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When it comes to your business site there’s little more rewarding than seeing the results for all the time and effort you have put into it. Finding a true Internet Marketing Service that will help get you the results you desire and need may seem overwhelming. Kind of like finding the perfect child minder for the 1st night away from your baby! There are such a lot of services out there to select from, so how did you know which service is right for you? Here are a few elementary things to need of a good Internet Marketing Service.


Who doesn’t love a good Refund with any purchase? I’m aware that I do! Internet Marketing Services differ a little in the forms of guarantees they can offer. Be terribly cautious of any service provider who offers a ‘Guaranteed Ranking’ or any other result that’s too definitive. Do to the ever-changing algorithms of the search sites, it is not possible to ever guarantee any particular ranking in a search result. What you want to go searching for is a guaranty in the quantity of back links the Internet Marketing Service will provide you with. A service which should build centered and related back links to your website, that have relevancy to your content, is one that you are going to want to use.


If you’re simply providing your marketing service with a random keyword of your choice to market for you, you may wish to reconsider. This is going to be really troublesome unless you know exactly how to do good keyword research of your own. I recommend looking out for a service that does the Keyword Research for you. Have them give you some advised keywords ( long tail keywords are best ) and then select the one you want to chase. Not only will you start to see traffic quicker, but you will end up getting the very best return on your investment.


It could be aggravating and doubtless the least fun part of a Net business, but reporting and tracking are 2 must dos in order to grow your internet business. Be sure the Internet Marketing Service you select is one that may report to you. You will want them to trace your number of back links, social bookmarks, search traffic, word density, and such like. This info will help you’re employed with the service in deciding if your selected keyword is one you want to keep going with, or bag ( some keywords just will not rank for one reason or another ). It may also give you discernment as to the direction you will need to take your marketing in the future.


Traffic is the final goal here, so keep that under consideration. Your Google site rank means nothing if you’ve no traffic coming to your internet site. The right Internet Marketing Services will help you not only drive consistent and steady traffic to your site, but the traffic will be targeted. This simply means the visitors coming to your site are there because they need what you are supplying. It’s reasonably simple to find out how this can be of benefit to your business, sales, conversions, etc .


Did you know where your traffic and back links are coming from? This is significant, as to gain a good search site ranking you could have a good spread of links coming from a big range or sources. A good Internet Marketing Service shouldn’t put all of its eggs in one frail basket, as it were. You Desire links from high PR Blogs, RSS Feeds, Social Bookmarks, Directories, article directory sites, press releases, Videos, for example.

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Times have changed so much that once there was a time that if you had to buy any thing you had think twice whether you actually need it or not, how long can you postpone buying it and can anyone else go and buy for you. This was not because of not having capacity or money to but because you would need to plan a whole day, spend, so much time commuting, going to the market at once you reach the place where you would get your stuff, after so much of sweat and hassle you realize that the thing that you wanted is out of stock or is not in the color desired by you.

Now the time has come when you can buy anything from a needle to airplane just with a click on you mouse. E-Commerce web sites have become such and advantage that you can actually have a look of the thing desired by you and then it lets you know whether it’s available or not. If not available on one site, you can go to another. It’s just like moving from one market to another within fraction of seconds or comparing items of two markets at one time. It’s a GREAT feeling when markets are available at your finger tips.

I was just wondering that day as to how these sites work. So many products with so many variations and how does one manage. I thought of doing some research on it and realized that Online Product Entry requires the list of manufacturers’ sites, the images, which may at times be required to resize as per the seller’s site, detailed description about that product to give the potential buyer know the features of the product, weight, price etc. Also there are many types of web stores through which the products can be added.

This work can be done in house by the seller or he can also outsource this type of work to various companies that have an expertise in doing this job. This reduces that time and money of the seller so that he can expand the business instead of spending time on online product entry.

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�� ig�Ф two markets at one time. It’s a GREAT feeling when markets are available at your finger tips.

I was just wondering that day as to how these sites work. So many products with so many variations and how does one manage. I thought of doing some research on it and realized that Online Product Entry requires the list of manufacturers’ sites, the images, which may at times be required to resize as per the seller’s site, detailed description about that product to give the potential buyer know the features of the product, weight, price etc. Also there are many types of web stores through which the products can be added.

This work can be done in house by the seller or he can also outsource this type of work to various companies that have an expertise in doing this job. This reduces that time and money of the seller so that he can expand the business instead of spending time on online product entry.

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Text link advertising Services can be a great way to give your website a boost in traffic and search engine rankings. I do them and sell them, but they are not for everyone. Here are 6 things to think about before you buy a text link ad.

1. First off what is a text link ad? A text link ad is a keyword phrase hyperlinked back to another page. For example if your website is about music downloads you could buy a text link ad for that phrase.

2. One text link will never hurt you with a search engine if it is on one page. If you buy a text link ad and it ends up on hundreds of pages for the same keyword you should make sure you are getting linked back to your website for other keywords as well of it could appear you are spamming the search engines for your one primary phrase.

3. Another thing is to link to pages other than your home page. This is known as deep linking and it is important not only for how your site is viewed by the search engines but also for the traffic it can bring you. People will search for multiple versions of a keyword and you want to come up on as many searches as possible.

4. When you buy a text link ad look to buy one on a web page that is a PR3 or higher. This is Googles’ ranking system for the worth of a page and it helps improve your own page rank when you are on a page that has good page rank. How much you pay will be determined by the page rank of the page your text link is on, but a PR5 will cost more than a PR3.

5. Look at how your ad will be displayed. A text link ad can be good for traffic as well. Try and get on a page or website that gets a lot of traffic. This will give you a chance to get a few visitors clicking on your ad as well.

6. View this as a long term promotion. You can buy an ad to get your site spidered quicker if it is a new site. But a long term view would be to keep that ad for future benefits. This is good if you are getting your ad on multiple pages such as a link directory a blog, or article directory.

Text link ads are not for everyone, but if you view it as part of a long term strategy to get traffic and improve your search engine ranking they are great.

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The function of any video advertising agency is to promote the products, services and public image of its clients. Whether large or small, this is basically what all video advertising agencies do, or are supposed to do anyway. The benefits of a video advertising agency become apparent if their efforts are successful and most people not only recall their ads but also connect it with the need to purchase the product or service because of the perceived benefits or satisfaction that it will provide.

At the very basic level is the restricted service video advertising agency. They usually offer creative services, including media planning and placement. Other agencies may specialize in certain kinds of advertising such as help wanted ads, recruitment ads, classified ads and those in the yellow pages. This is because an industrial or engineering advertisement may require specific terminology or layout that may not be the expertise of a general full service advertising agency.

Choosing a video advertising agency can be the best move your company ever makes or a costly mistake. There are a few basic things to consider when choosing someone to take charge of promoting your business or product. You may want a company that specializes in a particular media such as direct marketing advertising or concentrates more on making your brand or logo visible to the public.

Key factor of Video Advertising:

A healthy portion of exposed audiences interact with video ads

The interaction rate is the “all in” metric, including the sum total of all interactions that people have with the video ad units.

Users click the “Play” button more than they click on image ads

The rates for those actions are calculated as a percentage of total impressions served. The video control consumers are most likely to click is the “Play” button

On average, video ads play two thirds of the way through

The majority of the video ad units observed in this analysis were embedded in Web pages, as opposed to being within streaming video content.

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Anyone spending any time at all on Amazon product entry will notice the penny books for sale. And there aren’t just one or two copies for sale but sometimes hundreds of copies. Do people really make money selling books for a penny? Why do they list them for only a penny? I know curiosity drives some people to pursue an answer because they are wondering if they are missing a sales opportunity. The one sure way to get flamed in the Amazon forums is to ask these questions there. You will promptly be scolded for not searching for an answer prior to posting the question. After all, the logic goes; this question is asked about once an hour on the forums and has been answered hundreds of times. Just look it up!

The only problem is I have looked it up and the explanations given in the “answer” are partial answers at best. So I have decided to stick my neck out, go on the record, and attempt a more thorough answer. After all, if you are an expert in online book selling you should be able to answer this one right? It’s like the number of angels dancing on the head of a pin for a theologian or why the Detroit Lions can’t win a super bowl for a sports analyst (or win a game for that matter). So sit back, relax, and let me explain.

The first concept to understand is a product called a re-pricer. This product will check each listing you have on a venue like Amazon and compare your price with all other current listings and then update your price for that item based on rules you set. You can choose for example to be the cheapest, the most expensive or in the middle of the pack price wise. You also have some control over how often your re-pricer will run. This is typically a stand alone product you purchase, a web based service, or some venues even have it built in like The tool is based on the theory that people will buy the cheapest product that meets their needs.

This has been validated to a great extent by the new media venue which recently went online to compete with larger retail sites. When you go there to buy you will only see the cheapest listing for any one product in a particular condition. If you look for a book you will see one price for new and one for excellent for example. When you list an item to sell there you are given a suggested price for that item at its condition and when you enter your desired price they give you your location in the queue. Until you are the cheapest one (first in the queue) you won’t have a chance at a sale.

The second concept involves understanding the priorities in the day-to-day activities of a large commercial online bookstore. Let’s say you have 20,000 books online and are selling 100+ books a day. You get paid when books sell. This means you have to list books to sell them. Once they sell you have to get them in the mail ASAP to keep Amazon and your buyer happy. The more you list the more you sell and the more you make. That is your priority and to keep overhead down you hire just enough staff to ensure you get your priorities done in a timely fashion.

The last concept to understand is acceptable profit. What I mean by that is where do you look to judge your success? Do you feel like a failure if you don’t make a profit on each item sold or do you look at the overall numbers and judge based on them. When I was running an on-line bookstore I was happy when overhead was under five grand and total sales were over fifteen grand. I figured if I lost a few dollars on a few books a month it was acceptable given my overall profit. After all no one is perfect.

This process continues until you are both. You don’t really notice though because you would have to allocate time to look for this. Once identified you would have to pay someone to find the book on the shelf, de-list it from your venues and then pay to have it disposed of. You are not only paying for this whole process but you are also diverting resources away from listing new books, thus reducing the number of books you sell. The cost to you then to eliminate the penny books is much more than selling the book and shipping it at a penny. When shelf space becomes tight and you need to eliminate the older books not sold to make room for new ones that will sell you systematically eliminate the lower priced older books and dispose of them. I used to do this once every six months or so. By doing it once or twice a year you can optimize the process and keep the effect on your sales to a minimum.

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Authors know that getting their books listed at Amazon is crucial for book sales. More and more readers are making Amazon lisitng Service their first place to go to purchase books, and with Amazon’s free shipping options and the convenience of shopping from home, that trend is not going to change. But Amazon offers different options to authors to sell their books, which can be both confusing and time-consuming to unravel. Here are some simple ways to maneuver through that process.

Amazon offers basically three ways to sell your book at its online store: 1) listing the book at Amazon and then shipping copies to Amazon, 2) having a seller’s account, or 3) selling your book for Kindle. I will focus on just the first two options, which relate to printed rather than digital books.

What are the differences between having Amazon sell your book and your creating a seller’s account to sell your book yourself at Amazon? Time and money. As an author, you will have to decide whether time or money is more important to you in working with Amazon, or you can balance out both ways at least until you decide which works best for you. Below are explanations for how to do both and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

List Your Book for Amazon to Sell

How: This requires creating an “Amazon Advantage” account, perhaps aptly named because Amazon rather than the author receives most of the advantage. To join, you need copies of your book, an ISBN, and a bar code. Then visit Amazon Advantage. Follow the steps but read the fine print. Amazon charges an annual fee  and its commission is 55% of your retail price. Amazon will notify you to send books and how many. You pay the shipping and have no say over the number you send. If Amazon wants fifty, you pay the shipping on fifty, even if the books don’t sell. If Amazon only wants two at a time, you may find yourself making frequent small shipments which can be time consuming and more costly than one large shipment if your book is selling steadily.

Advantage: Once Amazon receives your books and starts selling them, you don’t have to deal with mailing out individual orders.


Be an Independent Seller Through Amazon

How: You can’t sell your book independently on Amazon until it is listed there, so regardless, your book needs an Amazon Advantage account. You can follow the steps above, become an Amazon Advantage client, and then later tell Amazon the book is no longer available, or if you are traditionally published, published by a subsidy press, or sign up with a distributor like Ingram, your publisher or distributor will create your Amazon Advantage account for you and pay the fees, just giving you the royalties you agreed on with the publisher or distributor. Today, many independent printers and book design firms will also list books at Amazon for self-published authors and simply charge a small flat one-time fee to list your book for you. The book can be listed as out of stock, meaning Amazon has no copies, and you don’t need to send them any.

Once your book has a listing at Amazon, you can open a seller account with Amazon to sell your book independently. First, look up your book title on Amazon. On the right side of the screen for your Amazon listing is a little boxed area with the question, “Have one to sell?” followed by a button to click on that says, “Sell Yours Here.” Click the button and follow the steps to list your book and your information. You can list as many copies available as you like, provided you have that many copies in stock. Customers can now buy the book directly from you rather than Amazon. You pay nothing to Amazon until the book sells.

Another advantage to an individual seller account is that while Amazon may list your book at retail of in your seller account you can list it slightly under that price so it appears less expensive to customers. You can also list the book, not only as “New” but include that it is autographed by the author and personally shipped by him or her. Even if you sign the books you ship directly to Amazon, Amazon won’t advertise for you that they are autographed, so listing your books on your seller account as “signed by the author” may be an advantage for you. Many readers will feel an autographed book is of more value than one that is not.

A final advantage is that you get your buyer’s address and email information, so you know more about your customer than you would if Amazon had sold the book. You can retain that information for future marketing mailings or updates to the customer when your next book comes out. Eventually, you might persuade the customer to buy directly through your website rather than through Amazon, thus giving you a greater profit in sales.

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Source By : is the hands-down leader in the online bookselling marketplace. Amazon product listing is also a company that prides itself on meeting its customers’ needs. What’s the easiest way to drive sales for your book on Easy: Maximize the content on your product page and optimize your chances of coming up in search results via Amazon’s internal search engine.

You’ve all heard of optimizing your website, optimizing your web presence, optimizing your blog, and other variations on the same. All of this optimizing is intended to increase your visibility through various online search mechanisms. While self-contained, is a powerhouse search engine by its own right. Despite being a retail site, it should be treated as a search engine from an online marketing standpoint. Think about it: What’s the first site you go to when searching for information on a book? My guess is that you answered “Amazon”. Remember that on top of its own strong brand, Amazon powers the virtual marketplace of’s backend service (amongst other merchant partnerships).

To leverage Amazon’s power, a major component of your online marketing strategy should involve making your product page as informative, search-optimized, and consumer-friendly as possible. Frequently, optimizing Amazon pages that the product’s rank improves as it collects additional content. Whether search suggestions, tags, inclusion in Listmania lists and so on plus the resulting number of hits have a direct effect on the sales rank formula is unclear; it’s more likely that books with more detailed pages and links to the title information from outside pages simply attract more buyers. Regardless, ensure that your product page does a good job of representing your product with no detail spared.

Amazon offers many features to enhance your title listing that, when properly implemented, can increase page views and potential sales for your title. Understanding and executing these programs has been historically time-consuming work, but since is a content-driven site, the benefits are clear. The more visits you get to your book detail page, the more popular your book will become in the eyes of the Amazon internal search results algorithm. The Amazon algorithm favors the most popular items, so if two different products match a user’s criteria, the more user-popular item will show up first. Our Amazon optimization work has uncovered some powerful tools for influencing Amazon search results, as outlined in very basic terms below:


A tag is most easily described as a keyword or category label that a user places on a particular product. Tags appear on book detail pages and will help users find books on Amazon within a certain category or genre. Each link increases your exposure on Amazon. Time-consuming but worth it.

Listmania! Lists

Listmania! lists are different groups of products that a person finds interesting. Each list can cover any type of category and helps other Amazon users discover your favorite products. These lists are rotated on various search result pages and on individual book pages. A popular list will appear on the product pages of all the books it mentions. The more popular the list is, the more exposure the products within your list will receive. Take the time to carefully research the other books on your list so you are more likely to appear before your target reader.


By all means, reach out to your friends and family to write reader reviews for your title. Reviews boost the exposure of your book detail page because the Amazon algorithm examines the number of reviews and the review ratings when determining exposure levels. Many distributors and publishers make a listing of the top-rated Amazon reviewers available to clients. Reviews by this elite group are weighted more heavily in the system.

Ask your publisher or distributor if such a list is available to you so that you can solicit these powerful tastemakers’ reviews for your title. Otherwise, a quick search for “top Amazon reviewers” on Google will bring you to the Amazon page ranking all reviewers. Click on the “See Profile” link to read more about the individual reviewers. Many post their direct email addresses in the profile. Send a polite, concise query to the reviewer including a synopsis of your book and an offer to send them a free review copy if he or she is interested in reviewing it. Follow up promptly if the reviewer responds.

Search Suggestions

Amazon also has a way for users to help customers find items and to provide
tailored information on product pages via Search Suggestions. Like tags, this tool requires some front-end thought and research on your part. Search Suggestions can:

* Associate an item with a search phrase so the item is more likely to be shown whenever anyone searches for that phrase

* Explain the relevance of your suggestion to searching customers and have your explanation and your name appear in search results

* Add information to the product page, which is tailored to the customer’s search

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